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Cucumbersome Mock

The steps in this library enable Mock Creation in test using Cucumber


Java Configuration


Configuration File

The following properties can be configured in the file,test2

Where the is a list of services we want to mock, separated by comma.<name>

If no services are specified a single service called “default” will be created.

Per each services we can then specify the properties host and port:<name>.port=8081<name>.host=localhost<name>.fixedPort=9090

if host and port are not specified for a service the default will be used:

Property Name Default value
port random available port
fixedPort NONE

using default parameters.

Steps in this library

Please note that the list below is porvided as exemple and may not include all the steps available in the library.

Create a mock definition for the service test

Given the mock with path "/" and method "GET" is added to service "test"

Note: support regex in path and method

Request Body Match

Mock service if request body match json

And the mock receives a request with body matching json
   "test": "test"

Mock service if request body match json path

And the mock receives a request with body matching the json path "$"

Mock service if request body contains string

And the mock receives a request with body containing the string "test"

Mock service if request body is equal to string

And the mock receives a request with body equal to string

Mock service if request body is equal to string

And the mock receives a request with body matching regex "Exact.*"

Mock service if request body is equal to xml

And the mock receives a request with xml body:
    <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>

Mock service if request body match xpath

And the mock receives a request with body matching the xpath "/note/to"

Request Header Match

Mock service if request contains header

And the mock receives a request with header "MyHeader" 

Mock service if request contains header with value

Given the mock receives request with header "MyHeader" with value "MyHeaderValue"

Mock service if request contains headers with value

Given the http request headers are:
  | myHeader  | myValue  |  
  | myHeader2 | myValue2 |   

Note: support regex in name and value

Mock service if request query param matches

Given the mock receives request with query parameter "queryParam" with value "queryParamValue"

Mock service if request query params match

And the mock receives a request with query parameters:
  | query  | myQuery |
  | query2 | myQuery2|

Note: support regex in name and value

Mock response

Add status code to the mock response

And the mock responds with status code 200

Add status code and limit number of mock responses

And the mock responds with status code "200" exactly 3 times

Add header to the mock response for the service test

And the mock response will have header "Content-Type" with value "application/json"

Add delay mock response

And the mock response will have a delay of 5s


Add dependency to your pom.xml


Create the test class with the package glue

import org.junit.ClassRule;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
import static com.mariocairone.cucumbersome.steps.mock.config.MockConfig.mockOptions;
import com.mariocairone.cucumbersome.steps.mock.container.MockServerContainer;

@CucumberOptions(plugin = { "pretty", "html:target/cucumber",
    glue = {"com.mariocairone.cucumbersome.steps"},
    features = "classpath:features/mockserver",
    strict = true)
public class CucumbersomeMockIT  {

  public static MockServerContainer mockServer = new MockServerContainer();
  public static void setup() {

Note: The library include a MockServiceContainer class that can be used instead of the official MockServiceContainer. The implementation provided extend the official libriry adding the ability to use a fixed exposed port on the host machine to simplify local debug. Also please be sure to modify the features attribute to match your project requirement