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Cucumbersome RabbitMQ

The steps in this module enable RabbitMQ integrations test using Cucumber


Java Configuration

 .withExchanges(new RabbitExchangeConfig(name, type, durable))

Configuration File

The following properties can be configured in the file


Steps in this library


Configure AMQP Client

Given the rabbitmq host is ""
And the rabbitmq port is ""
And the rabbitmq username is "mule"
And the rabbitmq password is "password"
And the rabbitmq virtualHost is "/"

Configure a direct exchange and bind queue with routing key

Given the rabbitmq exchange "test_direct_exchange" of type "direct" is declared
And the rabbitmq queue "test_direct_queue" is bind to exchange "test_direct_exchange" with routing key "test"

Configure fanout exchange and bind queue

Given the rabbitmq exchange "test_fanout_exchange" of type "fanout" is declared
And the rabbitmq queue "test_fanout_queue" is bind to exchange "test_fanout_exchange"

Configure topic exchange and bind queue

Given the rabbitmq exchange "test_topic_exchange" of type "fanout" is declared
And the rabbitmq queue "test_topic_queue" is bind to exchange "test_topic_exchange" with routing key "test"


Create Message

Given the rabbitmq message is created

Send Message

When the rabbitmq client sends message to exchange "test_direct_exchange" with routing key "test"
When the rabbitmq client sends message to fanout exchange "test_fanout_exchange"
When the rabbitmq client sends message to exchange "test_topic_exchange" with routing key "test"

Receive Message

Then the rabbitmq message is received from the queue "test_direct_queue"

Set Message body

And the rabbitmq message body is
 "test": "test"

Assert received response body

And the rabbitmq message body should not be empty
And the rabbitmq message body should contain "[0].foo"
And the rabbitmq message body should contain "[0].foo" with value "bar"
And the rabbitmq message body should not contain "[0].bar"
And the rabbitmq message body should not contain "[0].foo" with value "wee"
And the rabbitmq message body entity "[2].foos" should be
	["bar", "wee"]
And the rabbitmq message body should be an array with 3 elements
And the rabbitmq message body should be an array with at least 1 element
And the rabbitmq message body should be an array with at most 4 elements
And the rabbitmq message body should be an array with less than "5" elements
And the rabbitmq message body should be an array with more than "2" elements
And the rabbitmq message body entity "[2].foos" should be an array with 2 elements
And the rabbitmq message body entity "[2].foos" should be an array with at least 1 element
And the rabbitmq message body entity "[2].foos" should be an array with at most 4 elements
And the rabbitmq message body entity "[2].foos" should be an array with less than "3" elements   
And the rabbitmq message body entity "[2].foos" should be an array with more than "1" element   


Add dependency to your pom.xml


Create the test class with the package glue

import java.util.Map;
import org.junit.ClassRule;
import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

@CucumberOptions(plugin = { "pretty", "html:target/cucumber",
    glue = {"com.mariocairone.cucumbersome.steps"},
    features = "classpath:features/mock",
    strict = true)
public class CucumbersomeMockIT   {

	static final Map<String, Object> variables = Settings.getInstance().getGlobalVariables();	
	private static RabbitMQContainer rabbitMq = new RabbitMQContainer()				
            .withUser("mule", "password")

	public static void setup() {

Note: be sure to modify the features attribute to match your requirement